Wednesday, August 19, 2020

How to Track Employee Time, Part 1

Whether you’re recording employee hours for payroll or customer billing, your entries must be accurate. QuickBooks can help.

It’s easy to track sales of goods in QuickBooks. You create an invoice or a sales receipt, select the product the customer wants along with the quantity, and save the transaction. QuickBooks reduces the corresponding inventory level and records the purchase in the correct account.

Accounting for services sold, however, is a bit more complicated. Whether you’re charging customers for consulting, labor, or any other task that gets billed by the hour, you have to both create records for that billable time and track the hours spent on it carefully. QuickBooks provides tools that simplify both chores.

You’ll use those same tools if you need to record the hours employees work for payroll purposes. QuickBooks allows you to track time in individual records and/or traditional timesheets. Here’s what you need to know.

Editing Preferences

Before you can start tracking time, you’ll need to make sure that QuickBooks is set up for that job. Open the Edit menu and select Preferences, then click on Time & Expenses. With the Company Preferences tab highlighted, click the button in front of Yes under Do you track time? if it’s not already filled in. Click the down arrow in the field next to First Day of Work Week to open the list and choose the correct day. If it’s appropriate, check the box in front of Mark all time entries as billable. Click OK.

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QuickBooks needs some information from you before you can start tracking time.

While you’re still in the Preferences window, click on Sales & Customers, then My Preferences. When you create an invoice for a customer that has unbilled time, QuickBooks can open a window listing the billable services (Prompt for time/costs to add) or display a small box asking you whether you want to include those items (Ask what to do). Select your preference or Don’t add any, then click OK.

Individual Time Entries

Let’s look first at creating individual time entries. Click the arrow to the right of Enter Time on the home page (or Customers | Enter Time) and select Time/Enter Single Activity. In the window that opens, make sure the Date is set to the date the service was provided (if that is different from the current date that appears). Click the down arrow in the Name field and choose the correct employee, and in the next field, select the Customer:Job

Warning: If this work was done for a specific job, be sure to click on the actual job, not the main customer entry. 

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The Time/Enter Single Activity window

Next, select the Service Item, the actual work that the employee did. Below that, you can either enter the Duration worked manually, or click Start to launch the automatic timer. If the work is Billable, be sure to check that box in the upper right. Add Notes if you’ d like.

The Payroll Item (pay type) and WC Code (workers’ compensation) fields will only appear if you have QuickBooks set up for payroll. If this is the case, and you don’t see those fields, minimize the Time/Enter Single Activity window by clicking in the small horizontal line in the upper right. Click Employees in the toolbar (or Employees | Employee Center) and double-click on the name of the employee. Click on the Payroll Info tab to the left. You’ll see a line toward the bottom that says Use time data to create paychecks. Check that box and click OK, then reopen the Time/Enter Single Activity window by clicking the double box icon in the lower left of the screen. The two fields should be there.

When you’ve completed all of the fields required, save the time entry.

Note: Are you still doing payroll manually? It’s much easier to track time and pay employees if you’re doing payroll through QuickBooks. But setup can be complex, and we would want to guide you through the process. Let us know if you’re interested.

Creating time entries isn’t difficult, but it can be time-consuming if you have a lot of employees being paid by the hour. So, next month, we’ll look at QuickBooks’ Timesheet feature. We’ll also show you how to get information about the time entries you’ve created and what to do if QuickBooks’ time-tracking isn’t robust enough to meet your needs. In the meantime, be sure to contact us if you need help with QuickBooks or your accounting in general. 


QuickBooks provides an easy way to track employee time, but it must be set up for this task first. We can show you what’s needed and how.

If you bill customers for services by the hour, you can use QuickBooks’ tools to track it and ensure that it’s invoiced. Let us get you started here.

Are you using QuickBooks for payroll? Your employee time entries must be created and coded correctly. We can help with this.

Are you still tracking employee hours using timecards? QuickBooks offers a better, more accurate and integrated way. Ask us about this and here are a few things to consider.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

How to Create Product Records in QuickBooks Online

Whether your company sells product or services, QuickBooks Online can help you track them.

If you sell one-of-a-kind products and can see all of them at a glance, tracking your inventory isn’t such a big issue. But not many people run businesses like that. Even if you do, you’d want to keep track of what you have and what you’ve sold for accounting purposes.

Most businesses sell multiple types of products and stock numerous units of them. These companies need to be able to easily add them to invoices and sales receipts. They need to know what’s selling and what’s not, and they need to know when it’s time to reorder.

QuickBooks Online’s recording and tracking tools meet all of these requirements by allowing you to create records for services. Here’s how it works.

Getting Ready

Before you can start working with QuickBooks Online’s product records, you should make sure that the site is set up for this purpose. Click the gear icon in the upper right, then Your Company | Account and settings. Click the Sales tab to get to the Products and services section, as pictured below.

QuickBooks Online’s Account and Settings has a section devoted to Products and services.

Click on Products and services to open your options here. To turn any entry from On to Off, or vice versa, click in the box at the beginning of the line to check or uncheck it. To see an explanation of each, click on the small circled question mark. When you’re done here, click Save. Then click the X in the upper right to close this window.

Creating Records

To start entering product and service data in records, click the gear icon in the upper right, then select Products and services. Since you haven’t entered anything yet, the table will be blank. Eventually, it will contain data for each record you’ve created. You’ll also notice two colored circles at the top of the screen, one marked Low Stock and the other, Out of Stock. When there is a number next to either of them, you’ll be able to click on either circle to see a list of what’s low or what’s out.

Click New in the upper right. A vertical panel will slide out asking what kind of record you want to create. You can choose from:

  • Inventory - Physical items you sell whose quantity you want to track
  • Non-inventory - Products you buy or sell but whose quantities you don’t need to track
  • Service - Services you sell, like legal representation or landscaping
  • Bundle - A group of products and/or services that are sold together, like computer training and accompanying software

We’re going to create an inventory item, so click on Inventory. Type its Name in that field and add a photo if you’d like. If the product has been assigned a SKU, enter that in its field. You may want to divide your products into primary categories and sub-products or services (like Writing Instruments and Pens, Pencils, Markers, etc.). You can skip this option if you don’t.

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QuickBooks Online helps prevent product shortages.

In the next section, you’ll enter the Initial quantity on hand. How many do you have as of (current) date? And where do you want to set your Reorder point? What number of items remaining should trigger the Low Stock alert so you can replenish your supply?

Inventory asset account should already be set at Inventory Asset. Enter a brief Description and then the product’s Sales price/rate (the price you’ll charge customers) and leave Income account set at Sales of Product Income. Then select a Sales tax category. If you haven’t set up sales taxes in QuickBooks Online and believe you’re required to pay them on at least some sales, please let us help. 

In the Purchasing information field, enter the description that should appear on purchase forms, then Cost (the price you paid to buy the product, if any). The Expense account should be Cost of Goods Sold. Select a Preferred Vendor if you’d like and Save the record.

Not all fields are required in your product and service records, but we strongly recommend you complete each record as thoroughly as is possible.

Next month, we’ll look at how product and service records are used in QuickBooks Online. In the meantime, please let us know if there’s any way we can help with your accounting or your use of QuickBooks Online. We know these are challenging times for you, and we hope you’ll use us as one of your resources.


Before you can start recording sales in QuickBooks Online, you’ll need to create product and/or service records. We can help with this and show you how.

Did you know QuickBooks Online’s settings need to be tweaked before you can use the site properly? Product records is one of these areas, and we show you here.

Did you know QuickBooks Online can warn you when it’s time to reorder products? Let us help you set up this important function.

If you haven’t explored your company’s sales tax requirements, we can show you how QuickBooks Online tracks this necessary information. Read more here to get started.